EQ gain self-knowledge

VE and 2gnoMe Technology Platform Partner to Enhance Students’ Interpersonal, Professional, and Leadership Skills

VE and 2gnoMe Technology Platform Partner to Enhance Students’ Interpersonal, Professional, and Leadership Skills

NEW YORK, January 21, 2020 – Beginning January 21, 2020, Virtual Enterprises International (VE), an education nonprofit that transforms students through authentic business experiences, will launch an online platform enabling students to examine their interpersonal, professional and leadership competencies while using machine-learning technology to foster their continued growth. This learning experience system will be available to the 16,500 students from 400+ schools across the country participating in the VE program.

Through a partnership with 2gnoMe (“To know me”) a technology company specializing in the assessment and …

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Personalized Professional Learning Hits the Mark

Challenges of Effective PD for Teachers 

In K-12, teacher training is at least a $4 billion market, or approximately $1100 per teacher per year. And yet over half of teachers report no positive impact from professional learning on their teaching practice. “Treats them like children” is one of the key complaints about training.

Professionals leave when they do not receive professional development that supports their learning needs. Almost half of all new teachers leave the profession in the first five years. Nationwide, shortage of teachers already exceeds 110,000 vacancies.

Can the best models in adult learning be relevant to …

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The Missing Piece in Professional Development

PD options and content overwhelms one's ability to keep it together. The big question is how do you know who needs what kind of learning in the first place?

We expect teachers to differentiate learning for their students, but they rarely get learning targeted to their professional needs. The result can be a feeling of resentment about PD in general. “Treats them like children” is among the most common complaints about training. A report by Teach Plus estimates that 56 percent of teachers do not see positive impact from the professional development offered by their school or district.

As districts …

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New Partnership a Win for All Teachers

A new collaboration between the University of Missouri's College of Education's eMints National Center and 2gnōMe will bring personalized learning to educators across the nation.

NEW YORK, April 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Personalization, or customizing lessons based on the needs and skill level of the individual student, has become the norm in classrooms – yet, that same idea hasn't been extended to the educators themselves.The new partnership, called "Digital-Age Educator" is a cloud-based professional development program with the goal of preparing educators to live, teach and lead in the digital age. This program has received the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) …

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hiring HR

Hire only fully formed adults: How soft skills improve your bottom line

Under the direction of Reed Hastings and Patty McCord, Netflix prospered with groundbreaking HR policies, which Patty wrote about in How Netflix Reinvented HR (Harvard Business Review, December 2014). The first of five basic precepts that drove Netflix’s HR policies is “Hire, reward, and tolerate only fully formed adults.”

Mrs. McCord was the Chief Talent Officer for Netflix at the time. She believes the majority of workers will try to do the right thing and act in the company’s best interests when making business decisions.

She goes on to say that “Most companies spend endless time and money writing and …

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awareness business change feedback hiring HR

Moneyball-Style Analytics for HCM

Remember Moneyball? In 2002, the small-budget Oakland A’s used oft-overlooked stats—on base and slugging percentages—to drive their draft decisions and turn their season around. The data was available to every team in Major League Baseball, but the A’s were the only team that knew how to use it.

That’s what we’re doing with talent management.

After talking to real HR pros, it’s clear that accurate, actionable data could have a huge impact on:

  • Assessing a candidate’s skills before they walk through the door
  • Quantifying their performance once they’re on the job
  • And providing strategic training to keep them there

2gnō.me …

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